Marco Masia - Head of Entrepreneurship

Expert of Academic Entrepreneurship, I oversee the spin-off support and the entrepreneurial education programmes at the University of Vienna.

I am also member of the investment advisory board of the Vienna high-tech incubator (INiTS) and I serve as Academic Chair for innovation at the European University Initiative alliance Circle-U.

For almost two decades, I have covered different roles at the intersection between research, innovation, and policy: executive coordinator of the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE), founder and managing director of a consultancy company (MARMAS GmbH), and Assistant Professor of theoretical chemistry at the University of Sassari.

I hold a PhD in Physics (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain), a MSc in Chemistry (University of Sassari, Italy) and an executive MBA (Frankfurt School for Finance & Management, Germany).



Marco Masia, PhD MBA
Head of Entrepreneurship

Research Services and Career Development
University of Vienna
Berggasse 7, 2nd Floor
1090 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 142 77 18 222
Mobile: +43 664 81 76 737
E-Mail: marco.masia [at]